Monday, July 26, 2010

Super-Duper Fairy Books

There are so many great books about faeries...stories, faerie houses, painting faeries, creating faerie dolls and so many good books for children.  I have quite a few in my library and have given many faerie books to my grandchildren for gifts.  I have made faeries from felt and pipe cleaners, polymer clay and fabric.  Now I want to paint and draw them.  I am obsessed with faeries!  

I assisted my granddaughter in Tucson with making faerie houses, and when two of them blew over due to a gust of wind, she made the next one of bricks!  Reminds me of the story of the Three Little Pigs and the Big Bad Wolf.  The next morning Savannah discovered that the faeries had visited the house and left faerie dust and a tiny unicorn figure.  She was delighted and so was I.  

Here are a few suggestions from the many books out there.  I actually recommend buying them from your local bookseller, but if that is not possible, Amazon has them.  If you can, always